Account Based Marketing and Lead Generation

Account Based Marketing Services


In traditional B2B lead generation, marketers cast a wide net to attract leads, then sort through them to find those that are valuable. With a sound account-based marketing strategy, marketing and sales teams instead decide which accounts are most likely to generate sales revenue and then target them. By spearfishing for the big fish, they land fewer, but higher quality accounts.

Account Based Marketing Strategy is said to have the highest ROI compared to any other B2B Marketing Strategy, mainly due the focus being narrow.

In comparison to Demand Generation Strategy where marketing and sales focus more toward the entire industry, in Account Based Marketing, the Marketing and Sale’s team focus is focus towards a few select accounts.

The downside, however, is that account-based marketing can be time-consuming. And that’s why Clarity Lead Solutions offers account-based marketing tactics that help you implement it efficiently and successfully.

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